A big thank you to the Levin family of Côte Saint-Luc.
We recently put the word out that a cat named Glenda was looking for a home. She was being fed by an elderly woman in Côte Saint-Luc who has been coming to the aid of homeless cats for years. Glenda had been a steady customer for about a year and a half. So we figure she is about two. The elderly woman managed to socialize this cat and was letting her into her back balcony at night. She had already taken in two of the cats the Côte Saint-Luc Cats Committee and Educhat had neutered.
This woman is a Holocaust survivor and would cry to our committee's Shelley Schecter all of the time as to how the homeless cats remind her of this terrible period. Our committee picked up Glenda. She was spayed, vaccinated and de-wormed and sent to stay with one of our committee angels who fosters cats in her heated garage.
With news that the elderly woman was not coming home, we needed to find a home for this darling animal. Thanks to The Suburban Newpaper, which publishes photos and descriptions of cats needing homes, we heard from the Levins. Knowing that the cat has a congenital problem with her legs and walks in a crooked fashion, they were not put off to say the least. Mr. Levin put his hand into the cage and Glenda nuzzled up to him. Diane, our foster mom, extolled the wonderful qualities of Glenda and told the family a bit about her history. Glenda went home with the Levin family to have a second chance at a better life.
We now two other cats in Diane's garage named Hudson and Frobisher - A male and female. They came to us from a woman named Ellen. They are about eight to 10 months old and totally inseparable. Ellen comes and visits them every few days but is unable to take them in,
Diane is going to forward a picture of them which I will send to you, Fern and Mike, so that they can go into the Suburban and onto our websites.
I am so very happy about Glenda.

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