Monday 25 November 2013

Jazz the cat is missing in Côte Saint-Luc

A beautiful black and white cat named Jazz has been missing since Thursday, November 21 and his owners are desperate to find him.

Jazz is a three year old outdoor cat. His owners actually leave a small street-level window open for him to come and go as he pleases.

Anyone with information can contact Dana Schnitzer at  514-240-0224 or email

"I have a had cats all my life and they have always gone out and come back within a few hours, " says Dana. "I feel their freedom to experience nature is worth the risk.That being said I am so devastated. Knowing Jazz, a smart cat, he isn't lost wandering around in the cold. He is either kidnapped, trapped, injured and at this point sadly he may have passed away. He is wearing tags with my address."

Jazz is a very friendly, playful  cat and several members of our CSL Cats Committee are familiar with him. Interestingly,  there is another outdoor cat (smaller than Jazz), who runs around outdoors in the same area near Merrimac Road.

Dana found him on the street as a kitten.

We will also be asking our Volunteer Citizens on Patrol to be on the lookout for Jazz.

1 comment:

  1. I think I saw this cat last Thursday near the train tracks behind Decarie square on David Lewis. Cat was not moving and I could not go in to see if he was alive or not! Hope this was not Jazz :( you can contact me at (514-827-4422) Leanne
